Thursday, 5 July 2018

Kahn's Ivan new domain

Today we had made a new domain for a Gorilla name Ivan. Ivan is in a book called The One And Only Ivan.
We have made him a jungle enclosure with trees and some meballs and a play area. 

Monday, 2 July 2018

Is it cheese?

Today we learned how to make plantic we had a big bowl  then first thing we had to do was to pour milk the bowl. Then we get the bowl of milk and put it  in the microwave for 1 minute. Next we added 4 tsp of vinegar. When we put the vinegar in it got a bit darker and once we mixed it, it curdled. (Curdling is when the milk clumps together) Then we put it in the strainer and squished the rest of the vinegar out. Now we have to leave it for two days to harden up.

It turned into plastic and not cheese because the vinegar was too acidic and turned it to plastic, To make cheese we will need to add liquid with less acid so it turns into cheese and we can eat it.

We are going to make cheese later to stay posted to find out more...